
Summer reflection post


So it’s been a while since my last post but this MOOC winter and my MA finals took their toll, I guess… Living in Greece also makes you want to spend the hot summer by the sea sipping “frape” -i.e. cold instant coffee – and casually hanging out …

Vacations are almost over, though. During my summer break it was time for some inner reflexion. This blog helped me immensely, since I understood a lot of my strengths and weaknesses in writing. Using English as a foreign language is still hard even after practicing for years.


During this summer I also started using Pinterest, which is a visual torrent of goodies for educators, tech, fashion and whatever you can think of, really. Social media are on the rise and here to stay, as I ‘ve said before.


Regarding MOOCs I am almost to a close with a cMOOC this time. Despite the fact that I enrolled in three of the kind, this one kept me going – my forthcoming posts will include homework realted to game studies.

When I first started this blog I thought I could have a place of my own to reflect on e-learning, distance and lifelong education and MOOCs.  I could swear, I wasn’t up to keeping a blog, much less update it frequently and yet I did – now onwards to new inspirations, novel writings and many lovely things to come…

So, dear WordPress, thank you for making me  stay…



took this one during my trip to Thessaloniki… **so deep**